Dalia Neis

Lambeth Marsh spread out before us, a vast conglomeration of damp earth and waterways. She pointed to the meadowland and swampy terrain. ‘You see your reflection in this malleable land. There, your penis is attached to your skull, and here, your heart is floating in your bowels.
Hercules Road traces the past in the present, revisiting a time of change and exploration, of thinking through, seeing, scripting, and making films, of shifting sexuality, and multiple identifications and influences. Layer upon layer, time upon time, it is a poetic evocation of becoming.
Dalia Neis is a writer, filmmaker, and musician. Her first book, Zephyrian Spools (An Essay, a Wind) was published by Knives, Forks, and Spoons Press in 2019.
Hercules Road traces the past in the present, revisiting a time of change and exploration, of thinking through, seeing, scripting, and making films, of shifting sexuality, and multiple identifications and influences. Layer upon layer, time upon time, it is a poetic evocation of becoming.
Dalia Neis is a writer, filmmaker, and musician. Her first book, Zephyrian Spools (An Essay, a Wind) was published by Knives, Forks, and Spoons Press in 2019.
44 pages
140 mm x 92 mm, printed inside cover
Format: Paperback
ISBN 978-1-910055-67-0
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140 mm x 92 mm, printed inside cover
Format: Paperback
ISBN 978-1-910055-67-0
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