The Meteors

A meteor is a shooting star, a falling star, a fireball; a streak of light in the night sky, it enters the atmosphere at high speed, where it burns up.
The Meteors is a companion series to The Constellations, small books up to 56 pages, which may be slipped into a pocket for reading on a journey; a story, a poem, a miniature essay… even auto-fictions.
There are five books in the series to date:
The Meteors is a companion series to The Constellations, small books up to 56 pages, which may be slipped into a pocket for reading on a journey; a story, a poem, a miniature essay… even auto-fictions.
There are five books in the series to date:
- Iris Colomb, WHERE DO YOU BEGIN IN THIS (May 2023)
Ian Monk, INTERLUDES, translated by Philip Terry (December 2021)
Élise Legal, STRAY DOG (May 2021)
Florence Uniacke, SUIVING (April 2020)
Dalia Neis, HERCULES ROAD (January 2020)